The majestic marine giants, our most faithful visitors, say goodbye to the Nayarit seas after staying here for more than 4 months.
Whale season in Riviera Nayarit. Everything happens so fast that it is difficult to photograph them well. However, knowing that they are there, that at any moment they can jump or at least show their dorsal fin, makes the spectators' hearts race and their eyes widen as they peer into the sea. What luck when they finally manage to spot a whale!
Thus, as a matter of luck and at the same time as one of the best experiences in life, travelers describe their encounter with these marine giants in the Riviera Nayarit, where they arrive every year to mate after a long journey of more than 10,000 kilometers from the Arctic.
In this tourist destination the sighting season generally begins at the beginning of December and ends at the end of March. During those dates it is possible to see the “humpback” whales —which is the main species that arrives every year in this region— in their natural habitat.
See you around!
Monday March 23 the whale season officially concluded in the state of Nayarit. Although some specimens can continue to be seen until the first days of April, according to data from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat).
Although this period passed calmly, some incidents were recorded. Like the feared entanglements that fortunately are dealt with in a timely manner by the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection of Mexico (Profepa), the agency in charge of the care and preservation of the environment throughout the country, as well as the inspection and surveillance of compliance with laws for the environmental Protection.
Whale season in Riviera Nayarit
On the other hand, once again the service providers proved to be great allies so that this non-extractive activity, which generates important profits for the destination, was successful in valuing the conservation of this marine species and what it implies to offer a good service to tourists.
“We can say that the season has been good; during these months we have seen many specimens, we believe that around 200 whales have reached the Bay of Banderas; We are very pleased when tourists fulfill their dream of seeing them, some for the first time in their lives, and seeing the joy on their faces is our greatest satisfaction”. Discuss our guide during an excursion to the Marietas Islands.
romance at sea
Either with timid flicks of the tail or with spectacular jumps that allow most of their bodies to be seen above the sea, cetaceans are part of a ritual in which the males "court" the females, marking their territory, which can last for hours. and even days, as part of a reproductive life cycle of the species.
Whales are large, which is why they are called the "giants of the sea." The females get to measure 15 meters and the males 14.5 meters; hatchlings reach approximately 4.5 meters and weigh half a ton at birth.
Riviera Nayarit will be waiting for you
If it is in your plans to visit the Riviera Nayarit on your next vacation —once the health contingency due to COVID-19 is overcome—, try to book your plane ticket between December and March. The ideal months not only to get to know these cetaceans up close, but also represent the best season to visit this paradisiacal destination, since they are the months when it is less hot.
There are several business excursion operators that offer the service for the sighting of these marine mammals and also involves the participation of personnel who are knowledgeable about their life and habits.
Tours can be made from Nuevo Vallarta, Bucerias, Mita's tip, sayulita and Guayabitos corner, and along the entire coast to San Blas. A traditional tour usually takes between 2 and 4 hours and is one of the most sought after, both by locals and visitors.
We are waiting for you in the next sighting season!
Original Article: Riviera Nayarit Blog
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