You are currently viewing La Embajada de México en Chile promueve a Riviera Nayarit

The Embassy of Mexico in Chile promotes Riviera Nayarit

They create a special microsite to celebrate the 210th Anniversary of the Independence of Mexico and highlight Riviera Nayarit as "Destination of the Year".

The Embassy of Mexico in Chile launched the special microsite “Viva México en Chile”, an initiative that was part of the virtual celebration for the 210th Anniversary of the Independence of Mexico.

On the site it is possible to consult, among other aspects of Mexican culture, a section dedicated to tourism promotion in which Riviera Nayarit as Destination of the Year, with various accesses throughout the page on which promotional material is disseminated.

Here the microsite:


Riviera Nayarit one click away

A photographic contest related to this destination and the Mexican national holidays was also carried out; To do this, the participants uploaded to their social networks (Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter) a photograph pretending to be in Riviera Nayarit celebrating Independence Day. The winners obtained a double trip and complimentary stays at some of the sponsoring hotels.









On the other hand, Diario El Mercurio carried out a special edition on Mexico, in which it analyzes how the bilateral relations between his country and Chile have been marked by cooperation and understanding during the last 30 years.

A video of the singer Lila Downs was also included, together with the Alejandro Díaz orchestra and the Costumbrista Dance Company from the Macedonio Theater in Alcalá de Oaxaca, among other activities.

Luis Gerardo Regalado Ruiz de Chávez, Head of Tourism Promotion at the Embassy of Mexico in Chile, expressed his satisfaction with this initiative.

"Thank you very much for all your support, we will do everything possible to make it a beneficial initiative for Riviera Nayarit and the tourism promotion of Mexico," he said.

Remember, The Treasure of the Mexican Pacific will be here when you can travel again.

Original article – Rivera Nayait Blog

Damaris Arellano