You are currently viewing Corredor de arte en la Cruz de Huanacaxtle, murales que alegran el paisaje

Art corridor in the Cruz de Huanacaxtle, murals that brighten the landscape

First an international level Marina, then a community market that revolutionized the economic activity of the town and now an art corridor with murals that will give life and beauty to the Cruz de Huanacaxtle.

Every time I visit a place I am still surprised by the colors and the joy that its people show through art. This is the case of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle in Banderas Bay. 

La Cruz de Huanacaxtle is a small town in Bahía de Banderas that is located in a privileged place. For a decade it has stood out for having a Marina for yachts and luxury boats that has become a benchmark at a national and international level.

But also the organized community has shown its organizational capacity with its large seasonal market, which gives local and foreign producers the opportunity to offer first class food, products and crafts. What has generated a great artistic and economic dynamic for the benefit of the community and to the delight of visitors.

►Colours, art and joy. Our daily bread

When you talk to a foreigner and ask them what are the things they like most about Mexico, a large majority answers: its colors, its happiness and its food. And as?. Our country is a colorful mosaic, which shines through its food, crafts, and in recent years by its urban murals. But who promotes this art corridor in the Cruz de Huanacaxtle that is giving people talk?

Banderas Bay has stood out for being a multicultural meeting point, which enthusiastically embraces the foreign community that vacations in this Nayarita destination. Thousands of tourists from the neighboring country, the United States and Canada, have adopted it as their second home for seasons, fleeing the cold and enjoying an enviable climate as it is at this time. Thus, in this link between foreigners and volunteers from the community itself, participation in this type of initiative has become enriching.

So far this project has been developed in 23 cities in 17 states of the country. This collective, with the support of the Comex company, intends to paint between 35 and 40 murals in this art corridor; that is to say, more than 1,000 square meters of color and joy.

►Tomato Collective

Colectivo Tomate is a civil association, which for 11 years has promoted communication between people through dialogue and art. In association with the company's high social impact program Comex: "For a Mexico well done"They are carrying out community integration workshops and image and expression projects on murals, created by artists from different parts of the country.

The objective is to give a sense of identity to its inhabitants, creating synergy with the foreign community. From November, and until the third week of February, everyone is invited to participate in this art corridor that will further beautify this wonderful town of La Cruz.

"From the stories of the people who live in the place, what the artist interprets and captures in the spaces of the town emerges," according to Salvador García, director of Colectivo Tomate.

If you come to the Riviera Nayarit, don't forget that there are stories that you can learn through its murals. Walk through this corridor of art that is made of the hearts of the townspeople and other countries who fall in love with the Bay of Banderas.

María Karina Macias Aguirre

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jan Langlands

    We love la Cruz and while we were there this February got to watch these fine artisan at work, cant wait to go back next year and see them finished, Bruce and Janet Langlands

  2. Suzanne

    I would love to see the murals. Where in La Cruz is the 'art corridor'? How many murals are there? I would appreciate it if you can provide some direction.

    Thank you

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