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Biodiversity, the main quality of our paradise

The combination of multiple forms of life in the Bay of Banderas makes living beings from other latitudes here rejoice...

 By: Jaime Torres

When a place amazes us with its exuberant nature, we understand the importance of its biodiversity. Well, we will start by saying that biodiversity refers to the wide variety of living beings on earth, as the result of billions of years of evolution. Our country is so rich in natural resources that it asks nothing of any other place in the world.

Biodiversity in Mexico

Our country presents a list of these ecosystems, classified into priority terrestrial, marine and hydrological regions. So called due to the urgency of protecting and conserving them, thanks to the high presence of ecosystems, plants and animals. Mexico has a record of 26,445 species of plants and 49,404 species of animals.

Of course, it is worth mentioning the great variety of mountainous forms, coastal plains, areas with cliffs, innumerable rivers and streams that make up the country, as well as the prevailing wind and seawater currents of the American Continent and that have a strong influence on Mexico.

Biodiversidad en Puerto Vallarta
Aerial view of the mountain towards the south of Vallarta

Jalisco, fourth state in biodiversity

The state of Jalisco has only 7,027 species of plants and 4,115 species of animals; that is to say, it is the fourth state of the Mexican Republic, with the greatest diversity in Mexico: having 7,027 registered plant species is a true honor.

Estero El Salado de Vallarta, synonymous with biodiversity

He Estuary "El Salado", is a protected site for being a fundamental area for the nesting, breeding and refuge of birds, commercial fish such as sea bass and mojarra, or crustaceans such as shrimp, crab and crabs. It has an area of only 169 hectares and presents records of 830 species to date, which represents 7.5 % of the species in the state of Jalisco.

When you visit Puerto Vallarta and the Banderas Bay Region, do not miss the opportunity to get to know these island and estuarine ecosystems located within the region, I assure you that it will be an unforgettable experience. Undoubtedly, biodiversity is a reason that sustains the exuberance of our region.

vegetación en el Estero el Salado
Estero El Salado, Puerto Vallarta
Jaime Alberto Torres Guerrero