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Protection and conservation of the sea turtle, a commitment of the Riviera Nayarit

Every year during the months of April to May, sea turtles come to the coast of this tourist destination to nest; 45 days later, a wonderful spectacle of nature makes its way.

Turtle season is one of the most fascinating in the Riviera Nayarit, and although the entire process is important, from the moment the turtle arrives on the beach to lay its eggs until the hatchlings are released, it is the last phase that has become the most important. a tourist attraction in this destination.

Usually the first turtle releases take place in the second half of July, concluding in mid-November; However, due to the health contingency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the beaches in the state of Nayarit continue to be closed until further notice, so in this 2020-2021 season releases with the public will be limited.

The good news is that the work of collection, incubation and release in the turtle camps has not stopped, although it is carried out under special safety and hygiene measures.

Riviera Nayarit, sea turtles, turtles, beach, sand, sea

The beaches in the hotel zones constitute excellent arrival areas for sea turtles.

A protected species in Riviera Nayarit

The sea turtle is the official image of Riviera Nayarit, from which derives the commitment it has established with the protection programs for the turtle, in conjunction with the National Commission for Protected Areas (Conanp) and civil associations in the region.

The beaches in the hotel zones constitute excellent landing areas and it is Nuevo Vallarta that historically records the largest number of nests in the tourist corridor, with more than 9,000, as well as more than 400,000 turtles released per season , according to data from the Conanp Sea Turtle Conservation Program.

Releasing turtles in the Riviera Nayarit can be a great experience.


turtle camps

Although the Nuevo Vallarta Sea Turtle Protection and Conservation Center is the most popular, there are at least a dozen others doing important work, among these Careyeros-Litibú, in Mita's tip; sayulita, Lo de Marcos and San Pancho, in Bahía de Banderas; Punta Raza, El Naranjo, Boca de Chila and Platanitos-Playa las Tortugas, in the municipality of Compostela, as well as the camps located on the beaches in the north of the state, San Blas, La Puntilla, El Sesteo and Los Corchos, managing to release between all more than a million young per season.

Generally, there is the idea that many young are born, although in reality very few survive, since It is estimated that out of every thousand released, only one or two will reach adulthood and reproduce., say specialists,

On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that the sea turtle continues to be a species protected by the Official Mexican Standard NOM-162-SEMARNAT-2012, hence the exploitation of its eggs is a crime.

Along 307 km of coastline there are more than a dozen turtle camps where sea turtles are conserved and protected.


waiting activity

We know that this season the release of sea turtles is restricted in the Riviera Nayarit, but still We want to share a series of recommendations for the protection of these animals, which will be very useful when you can finally travel to our destination:

  • Keep the beaches clean: Do not contaminate, mainly with plastic bags and soft drink containers because in the water a turtle can mistake them for a jellyfish and die from suffocation.
  • Respect their space: If you see a turtle come out of the water on the beach, don't “light it up”, don't touch it or play with it, don't take flash pictures; You just have to respect her, give her space and walk away.
  • In case of finding a turtle nest: call the technical staff of the Conanp camp; failing that, Civil Protection personnel can guard the hatchlings or eggs.
  • Do not move the eggs: unless it is an extraordinary case, such as the tide is exposing them or they are in a tidal or landslide zone.
  • In case you find dead turtles: you must report to the Conanp Camp so that a biologist can do the corresponding registration and procedure.
  • Be aware of the limitations: both technical personnel and environmental personnel; when you call camp it takes time to get from one place to another. Please, be pacient.


Official contacts:

Conanp: 322 221 3549. | Professor Nayarit Delegation: (311) 214 3591. Civil protection: 322 113 3255.

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Original article: Blog Riviera Nayarit 

Damaris Arellano

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Carlos Alberto de la Madrid Agraz

    Hello, I am seeing your Page of the most beautiful Bay; Puerto Vallarta & Riviera Nayarit: A unique experience. and it seems to me an Extraordinary page. I have always been Interested in Sea Turtle Conservation, and I have sought to work in these types of areas, I just don't know where to really look for those vacancies. I don't know if you have the possibility of helping me by offering me an opportunity related to the Conservation of Turtles either in an aquarium or water park or hatchery that is either in Puerto Vallarta or Riviera Nayarit. For now I am residing here in Guadalajara Jalisco and I have thought of going to live in Puerto Vallarta in a short time. Without further ado for the moment I say goodbye to you, waiting for your response.

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