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Meditate with Riviera Nayarit

Get ready to relax with Riviera Nayarit from the comfort of your home. Virtually enjoy our beautiful beaches, the sun and the most beautiful sunsets in Mexico. We hope to see you very soon!

A worldwide trend is towards Wellness, —which according to the Global Wellness Institute is the dynamic search for activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of comprehensive health — and within this, meditation practices have gained relevant importance.

This is how using images of the natural wonders of this tourist destination, has been generated a video to meditate with relaxing music, a sea in the background and a very soft voiceover entitled “Riviera Nayarit Zen”, which aims to bring a little peace of mind to people who suffer from stress or anxiety. The video is 15 minutes long and includes a guided meditation presented in a simple way, with a brief discussion of its benefits.

Meditate with Riviera Nayarit

Spanish Version

Damaris Arellano