You are currently viewing Anuncian 65 Torneo Internacional de Pesca Marlin y Pez Vela

65th International Marlin and Sailfish Fishing Tournament Announced

At the facilities of the Puerto Vallarta Fishing Club and with great enthusiasm, the Press Conference of the 65th International Marlin and Sailfish Fishing Tournament was held, which will take place from November 10 to 13.

The Board of the Club headed by Mr. Eulogio López Rodríguez reported on the prizes for the First Places in cash of each species: Marlin with 300,000.00, Sailfish with 200,000.00, Tuna 100,000.00 and Dorado 100,000.00, and in the Catch and Release Category it will be Team Shimano 30WLR Fishing Rod.

Mr. López Rodríguez thanked the support of Opequimar and the representatives of the Press present there.
David Zaragoza Secretary of the Club reported on the prizes for second places: Marlin 100,000.00, Sailfish 100,000.00, Tuna Raymarine Multifunctional Screen of the Action series, Dorado Fishing Equipment and Shimano WLS Reel, in Catch and Release Special Prize Costa del Mar Lenses and Kit by Lures Balc Bart.

For third places the prizes will be: Marlin Special Prize Lentes Coata del Mar, Sailfish Pelagic Prize and Lures Kit, Tuna Costa T-Shirt Set and Black Bart Lures Kit, Dorado Black Barty Lures Kit Catch and Release Shimano Fishing Equipment and Zaragoza SW14000E Reel and Rod.

Until the moment of the Press Conference, 22 Teams registered in the Pre-registration promotion have been confirmed.
Fishermen are expected from Canada, which has already opened its borders.

On registration day, November 10, the schedule will be moved, starting at 2:00 p.m. to provide more facilities and avoid crowds.

All the protocols of the Ministry of Health indicate will be applied.

A great economic flow is expected through the fishermen, thus reactivating the economy of our city, on average each team spends around $60,000.00 to rent a boat

This year and to avoid having the public in the weighing area, no stands will be set up, the awards will be held on different days at the facilities of the Fishing Club.

The departure will take place in front of the Hotel Rosita at 7:00 am on Thursday the 11th, and the following days the departure will be in Opequimar starting at 00:01, and the closing will be at 18:00.

When expressly asked what the Marlin catch record is, Mr. Famania commented that it is still 322,300 kgs. in Tournaments and in Sailfish 70,600 kgs.

In this tournament the minimum weights that can be weighed by species is: Marlin 100 kilos, Sailfish 25 kilos, Dorado 10 kilos and Tuna 30 kilos.

It was commented that the tendency in the different Tournaments is to discard species and do so only with the Catch and Release Category.

After the series of questions and answers, there was a pleasant gathering with the reporters present and several fishermen.

Damaris Arellano