You are currently viewing Escápate a Riviera Nayarit y libera tortugas en el campamento El Naranjo

Escape to Riviera Nayarit and release turtles at El Naranjo camp

Come and see first-hand the way in which sea turtles are cared for and preserved at the Tortuguero Camp located in La Peñita de Jaltemba.

A night camping on the beach could become one of the most unforgettable experiences for you, knowing how sea turtles are cared for and preserved in the Riviera Nayarit.

If you like adventure, life in the open air and contact with nature, Campamento Tortuguero El Naranjo has everything you need, since it is organizing a family camping next Saturday, December 4, at its facilities on El Naranjo beach. Naranjo, in La Peñita de Jaltemba.

Ricardo Villaseñor Llamas, president of Grupos Ecologistas de Nayarit AC, operator of the turtle camp, reported that the purpose of the camp is that - in addition to having fun - you learn first-hand everything related to the care and preservation of the sea turtle, a species protected by the Official Mexican Standard NOM-059- SEMARNAT-2010.


“The El Naranjo camp is certified by Profepa and is self-sustaining, it has all the basic services and the possibility of setting up tents for groups,” he reported.


Among the activities -he explained- a talk about the cycle of the sea turtle, a visit to the incubation house, patrols along the beach and, if conditions permit, there will be turtle releasing, so you can live the experience of sea turtle protection on another level.

The El Naranjo Camp facilities have showers, bathrooms, shaded areas and parking, so you only need to bring your tent, sleeping-bag, lamp, repellent and comfortable clothes.

Reports and reservations on phones: 322 303 8126 and 322 168 5156.



Boca del Naranjo is located six kilometers north of Rincón de Guayabitos, taking the deviation that leads to the town of La Lima de Abajo.


Releasing turtles in the Riviera Nayarit can be a great experience that brings together entire families, given how emotional it is to see the hatchlings take their first steps towards the sea, heading towards the sea, but it is important that you respect this wonderful ancient species with these simple actions: do not contaminate, especially with plastic bags and soft drink containers because in the water a turtle can mistake them for a jellyfish and die from suffocation. Do not touch the turtles or play with them, as you could lose your sense of smell and direction.


Riviera Nayarit is a safe destination. Hotels and restaurants are following all the sanitary protocols established by the Federal Government Health Secretariat and are operating at their permitted capacity; access to the beaches is limited. Be a responsible tourist, use a mask and watch your distance.

Original article

Damaris Arellano