Banderas Bay impresses with its beautiful landscape. Vegetation is abundant, and many trees bloom in vivid colors during the dry season. It is when the trees of the region dress up in their best clothes.
One of the things that people enjoy most in Puerto Vallarta and Bahía de Banderas is its vegetation. Exuberant, beautiful, she always offers us more than we expect. I invite you to learn a little more in detail about the wonderful species we have in the region.
Characteristic trees of Bahía de Banderas
The tropical jungle that abounds in Puerto Vallarta and Bahía de Banderas is one of the most impressive ecosystems, since we find a great variety of vegetation. The characteristic trees are: the Capomo (Brosimum aliscastrum); the Skill (Hura poliandra); the trumpet (Cecropia obtusifolia); several species of Papelillos or Burseras and Higueras or Ficus, in addition to several palms such as the coconut oil palm (Attalea cohune); the endemic palm of Mexico known as Coyul (Mexican acrocomia), and the well-known water coconut palm (Cocos nucefera), which in large concentrations, transforms the jungle into a palm grove.
Other tree species that can be seen in the region are:
- Those known as: Amapas and Primaveras (Tabebuias) that in the dry season they bloom and paint the landscape in lilac and yellow tones.
- The Guamúchiles or (Pithecellobium lanceolatum).
- The Mangos (Mangifer sp) and the magnificent Parotas or Huanacaxtles (Enterolobioum cyclocarpum).
- All these species of trees are shelter and food for birds, mammals and reptiles.
Among the most beautiful species of flowers we can find orchids and bromeliads, as well as a huge variety of flowering plants and trees that adorn the landscape on the streets.
The abundant vegetation of Bahía de Banderas
The ecosystem diversity favors the abundant presence of trees, shrubs, plants and flowers.
To explore the jungle and appreciate these living beings up close, you can take various routes or tours offered by specialized guides and tour operators. Options range from hiking, horseback riding and mountain biking, to bus tours along the scenic highway to Mismaloya.
Another option to learn more about the plants is to visit the Botanical Gardens located half an hour south of Puerto Vallarta, after the town of “Las Juntas y los Veranos”.
The presence of estuaries and coastal lagoons in Banderas Bay also allows visits to mangrove forests, which are very interesting ecosystems and easy to access for visitors since they can be seen in the Nuevo Vallarta region, for example: La Laguna del Quelele in Mezcales, and the Estero “El Salado” natural reserve within the city of Puerto Vallarta.
This spring, don't forget to appreciate the beauty and color that the trees and flowers in Banderas Bay offer us.